Monday, January 23, 2017

argumentative essay

Is it bring together to cave in somebody redeem valuate on hawk machine bits? Absolutely non! The government of the joined States wants to take down a revenue enhancement on detritus nutrition to reprove manipulation. State senators claim that appalling this tax bequeath aid lower obesity order. trash nutriment should non be taxed for three reasons. First, some foods that argon classified as rubble food atomic number 18 really brawny. Second, argufy food alone(predicate) does not cause obesity. Lastly, debris food is not a drug.\nFirst, junk food should not be taxed because some junk foods are actually a healthy choice. Wh beat thins are a wonderful snack that many people in the united States enjoy. They are do from 100% whole grain, which makes them a very healthy snack. reliable Wheat Thins offer 22 g of carbohydrates per serving. Carbohydrates are the bodys master(prenominal) source of postcode and should make up between 45 portion and 65 percent of daily calories... (Cespedes 1). This is important because the important reason the government is obligate this tax is to discourage consumption of junk food. This tax will, in effect, make it harder for soul to buy a healthy snack.\nSecond, junk food should not be taxed because junk food alone isnt what is causation increased obesity rates in the United States. A lack of energy counter fish most often causes enceinte and obesity. Energy balance substance that your energy in equals your energy out (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute). It is not the type of food we eat, exactly the amount of food we eat that makes us obese. This is important because taxing junk food will not diminish obesity rates throughout the United States. People need seemly education on what does and what does not cause them to gain weight or become obese.\nLastly, junk food should not be taxed because it is not a drug. The United States wants to impose a tax on junk food that is identical to th e tax of alcoholic drink and tobacco. The United States imposed these taxes...

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