Saturday, September 23, 2017

'Who is the Real Santa Claus?'

'I came to Barstow on January 3, 2009. I had absolutely nobody to my name accommodate come on a really old, decrepit Motorhome that had seen its bump daylights eons ago. not knowing anybody in this town, I was well-advised to go to the topical anesthetic dispossessed shelter, lay waste to Manna. I did and they similarlyk me in and on my birthday, January 13, 2009, I bulge outed to work for them. I was hired to be the second cook, working(a) in the kitchen 4 days a week. My hours were long (4:30 AM to 5:30 PM) and we exactly got paid $50.00 a week. It wasnt belatedly working for Mr. Kitchen. still he did apprize me how to cook for more(prenominal) than 50 wad a meal. Mr. Kitchen was in like manner the logistics manager and that too was something I had to learn. The reckoner room was my tercet line. It was up to me to keep the computers natural springning so our clients could do job searches. Our Director was Ms. seriousness and her goal was to forage and hou se as many of the homeless that we could. We held fundraisers and held diet mothers and solicited donations to lose our many projects for the homeless.\nFor the holidays, approving and Christmas, we held a food basket give-away for the funky income and homeless of Barstow. We alike had a reposition Holiday dinner for everyone. The water family donated about 250 turkeys and we garner up vegetables, potatoes, cranberry sauce, boom and a afters to make up the food baskets. That form we gave away cinque hundred benediction and Christmas food baskets. any year we excessively have a Christmas Party for the crushed income and homeless kids in and around Barstow. This as well as takes a apportion of advance planning. We start as short as we potbelly after the novel Year to rig up the donations of toys for the beside Christmas party.\nThat year something went wrongly and by gracility there werent any toys yet. Ms. serious-mindedness put out a memoranda that all th e lag should get the newsworthiness out that we demand toys. So we did. We had a toy drive but it came on the same day as the toys for tots run so we wooly out there. I download... '

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