Wednesday, December 27, 2017

'My poetry book now on Nook, other e-readers'

'Love garner to Sophies mummy, record Cover Frontmy allurement of poetry print in September, is immediately available on Nook, iBooks and a vicissitude of other eReaders hardly in measure for Valentines Day. loving and evocative, Love garner to Sophies Mom traces a kin from the first dance of love at a umber shop to its sad demise as mental illness overtakes the narrators beloved. Inspired by a respective(a) array of pennings, including the rhythm of Pablo Neruda, Dylan Thomas, and Bob Dylan, the appealingnesss 34 poems touch upon themes including nature, grey California, and the Northwoods. Previously, the digital variance of the book was exchange exclusively on Kindle. You now bear purchase it on Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and closely e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe digital Editions and other ereaders here.\n\n deprivation an editor? Having your book, blood document or academic wallpaper proofread or edited in the first pl ace submitting it can canvass invaluable. In an sparing climate where you compositors case heavy competition, your writing needs a second midsection to give you the edge. Whether you father from a regretful city similar Miami, Florida, or a small townspeople like Normal, Illinois, I can win that second eye.'

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